Its Foolishness To Use Stones, Clubs And Bottles To Go After A Full Military Squad - Maxi Ogechukwu David.

My name is Mazi Ogechukwu David I'm from Nkpa in Abia state, a comedian and an actor and I like saying the truth not minding who gets offended. One thing the IPOB members and Buhari loyalists have in common is that they hate to hear the truth and they don't listen to constructive criticism. In the last few days I've been under attack both on social media,phone calls and text messages because I advised the IPOB 'warlords'. Without apology I still see it as sheer madness and foolishness for any sane man to use stones, clubs and bottles to go after a full military squad that have armoured tanks and ak47 assault rifles. Nnamdi Kanu made so much noise about how his secret squad will kill any military man that will come from the "zoo" to arrest him and we all thought that he was fully prepared for war. Dede since you people want to die as heroes at least you for equip your men even with the cheapest guns just like Ojukwu did, but pushing some lawless miscreants to go and face the wrath of a full Nigerian army with bare hands it's the height of foolishness. The pythons are still dancing they have not even started striking and people are already calling on UN, you can now see what will happen when this war you people are calling for finally starts. To all the block heads that want to die to protect Nnamdi,do you know that his wife and kids are permanently in Europe enjoying their safety and Dee Nnamdi is a citizen of almost 5 countries; that means he can jet out anytime and abandon you guys at the warfront. Boko Haram applied force, Niger Delta militants applied force then you guys decided not to use force and you know it will be easier for our military to join the pythons that will go to the East than the ones in Sambisa because they feel the pythons will have more free dance in the East than the north where they face stiff opposition from Boko Haram. Now propaganda pictures and videos are circulating and the deceit is on who will lie most and at the end of the day we will all lose after the war. If Nnamdi Kanu wants to win this, he have to use his brains and I tell you I can even advise him for free. "Uncle Nnamdi you are already a cult figure in the East, you are more popular than all the governors in the eastern region so use it as a tool. Instead of boycotting the elections, use your influence and create a healthy alliance with a political party or form one and make sure you woo and present formidable candidates in all the eastern states and I bet you it will be celebration galore because the people are already in love with you. Then after placing your men as governors then you force or try to woo all the Igbo diplomats representing Nigeria in various countries to resign, then systematically you make our legislators to see reasons why they have to resign too. With that you will have more elites and serious minded people on your side" In as much as I join many others to condemn the actions of the Nigeria Army I still maintain that they were lenient enough. The truth is that no government in the world will keep calm and watch someone turn himself to a leader of a particular region and even go ahead to create a secret service and sew uniforms for them.please brethren stop sacrificing your lives on the altar of foolishness because at the end your family will weep and miss you and nobody even remember any of the IPOB guys they killed at Onitsha last year. Nigeria is a lawless nation they will kill you heaven will not fall, OBJ wiped out a full village till today nothing happens,100s of Shi'ite Muslims were killed when they blocked the convoy of a military chief. Till today nothing happened in fact their leader is still being held in custody. O bi n'iro na eche ndu ya niche... ELDER O reporting from Lagos. Send your stories and gist to WhatsApp/IMO/Call: +2348035655009


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