A Wife Must Sleep Naked To Allow Husband Penetrate Anytime.

THIS WAS ESTABLISHED BY MRS MARTHA DE PURENEZ, WHO DIED AT THE AGE OF 104, AND SHE SPENT 82 YEARS IN MARRIAGE, AND SHE SAID THIS. "I know that young ladies will never agree with me, but whoever will implement this shall be the happiest of all and shall make a nice home; unless otherwise." *ITEMS* 1. The husband is always right 2. The husband is always the master of the family even if he doesn't work 3. The wife must ask for permission from the husband before going in bed as well as before turning the back to him on the bed 4. If the husband beats the wife and then comes a visitor, the wife should smile as if nothing happened 5. The husband is still the master and has full control on all the operations even in bed 6. Even if the wife is right, Article number 1 takes over 7. Before going to bed the wife must be in her nightdress with no pant or bra, to allow the husband to enter at any time he feels like 8. The husband never lies, but he enlightens 9. When the husband is shouting, the wife keeps kneeling down without saying anything 10. The wife should wait for the husband before making any decision 11. The husband never comes home late, he is in a meeting 12. The husband never goes out on the off day but he is attending the family meeting 13. The wife waits for her husband with her ideas and take those of her husband when he is back home 14. The wife never works hard during the day to avoid her getting fast tired in the night 15. The wife never goes to her husband's office only when it comes an urgent case or emergence of this one 16. The wife is not allowed to do any kind of expenses without consulting the husband even if it’s her own money 17. All the misunderstandings have to be solved by only the two in the bedroom without witness and this should be to the husband's advantage 18. The wife never refuses eating, even if she is annoyed 19. The wife has no orders to give to her husband, but she receives these from him 20. The wife must respect the husband's orders carefully 21. The wife has to take limit of her jealous and not show it in public 22.. The wife ever pays visits to her parents as well as to her in-laws only on permission from the husband and under any circumstances, she should be accompanied by the husband 23. The wife never goes out without permission from her husband *NB: THE POWER OF THE WIFE IS IN HER WEAKNESS* Please forward this e-mail to your friends especially your wife, this will help them very much. *THOSE WHO HAVE EARS, LET THEM HEAR* 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Send your stories and gist to genesisnollywood@gmail.com WhatsApp/IMO/Call: +2348035655009


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