LORD HAVE MERCY... For want of how best to caption this piece, I have elected a popular prayer line, Dear Lord, please have mercy on Nigeria. Do have mercy on President Buhari, on Buharists and Buharideens, and on all of us, please let the present cross/curse pass over us.
Forgive us for believing that Buhari is a man of integrity. Forgive us for putting this plague over Nigeria in 2015, and forgive us for allowing the electoral subterfuge and malfeasance that gained Buhari a questionable reelection in 2019. Lord have mercy on Nigeria.
In 2015 it was a CHANGE that became a ONE-CHANCE TRAVEL in blame games and excuses. The so-called fight against corruption became a weapon primed against the opposition. Propaganda took preeminence over performance, and the dye in the wool Buharist boasted that the last four years was spent on building the foundation for the NEXT LEVEL. And here comes the next level, just yesterday a few Buharists whose soul is yet alive and who believe that patriotism should rule over partisanship joined the ever expanding club of WAILERS after seeing the Ministerial list of President Buhari. To Buhari, Nigerian Youths are indeed lazy, and women must in remain in 'za oza room'. His new Ministerial list says that much. Lord have mercy.
Why is Dasuki in prison, if Akpabio, Sylvia, Akume et al are deemed fit for Ministerial positions under Saint Buhari? Why is the 'corruption fighter' poised to appoint Ministers standing trial for corruption? What more defense will those who defend the indefensible proffer? When some of us repented and apologised to Nigerians for the fraud we foisted over Nigeria in 2015, we were called names. When we warned in the build up to the 2019 General Elections that Buhari is a scam without a modicum of integrity, we were called haters and wailers, alas not even under the 'corrupt PDP' did we have such an uninspiring corrupt persons ridden and riddled Ministerial List like the NEXT LEVEL Ministerial nominees list of President Buhari. Hmm, Lord have mercy.
Knowing that the present rubber stamp National Assembly will give a nod to every name in the Ministerial list, like they did the Chief Justice of Nigeria CJN who showed lack of capacity when he manifestly confused 'legal technicalities' with 'technical know-how'. We truly pray for Nigeria, Lord please have mercy.
Evidently there is a deafening sound of silence in the land, as patriots across partisan tendencies agree that this NEXT LEVEL list is settlement for loyalists of the APC and Mr President. But wait a minute, why couldn't Mr President find men and women of integrity, does his 'integrity' attract only the corrupt? Just asking.
Apart from a few names, maybe three or four, the list is entirely a cross and a curse, it exposes the gross incompetence and lack of capacity of the present watchman, it defines his insincerity to the war against corruption, and spells integrity in the breach. But as sycophants see no wrong, and hail the wrong, Lord please have mercy.
Mr President, for the sake of peace, please be just and do our nation the 'favour' of honouring the Orders of Court by releasing Dasuki and El Zakzaky on bail, let them stand trial whilst on bail, at least if you cannot govern, do not cause our nation more trouble, come off the high horse please, we cannot afford another theatre of conflict ala the Boko Haram insurgency, the AK 47 wielding Marauding Herdsmen, Cattle Rustlers, Bandits, Kidnappers et al, as the present shift of the Shite Movement from peaceful protest to violent protest though reprehensible, is not unprovoked, and the present drift poses grave danger to the nation. Please remember how the Boko Haram insurgency started, Sir. Please if you cannot make Nigeria better, do not make it worse.
To those who have faith and see hope in the most uninspiring Ministerial list since 1999, may the Lord have mercy on you all. And to a Country in a kamikaze drift to the precipice, Lord have mercy.
We must however, rise to the urgency of now, and challenge everyone to truth, only truth can set our nation free.
Clearly Compatriots, with the present Ministerial List we have moved from CHANGE cum ONE-CHANCE TRAVEL, to the NEXT LEVEL of mediocrity and lethargy. May the Lord have mercy on Nigeria.
Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia Jnr. {CMN JNR}
Send your stories and gist to us at genesisnollywood.blogspot.com
Email: genesisnollywood@gmail.com.
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Forgive us for believing that Buhari is a man of integrity. Forgive us for putting this plague over Nigeria in 2015, and forgive us for allowing the electoral subterfuge and malfeasance that gained Buhari a questionable reelection in 2019. Lord have mercy on Nigeria.
In 2015 it was a CHANGE that became a ONE-CHANCE TRAVEL in blame games and excuses. The so-called fight against corruption became a weapon primed against the opposition. Propaganda took preeminence over performance, and the dye in the wool Buharist boasted that the last four years was spent on building the foundation for the NEXT LEVEL. And here comes the next level, just yesterday a few Buharists whose soul is yet alive and who believe that patriotism should rule over partisanship joined the ever expanding club of WAILERS after seeing the Ministerial list of President Buhari. To Buhari, Nigerian Youths are indeed lazy, and women must in remain in 'za oza room'. His new Ministerial list says that much. Lord have mercy.
Why is Dasuki in prison, if Akpabio, Sylvia, Akume et al are deemed fit for Ministerial positions under Saint Buhari? Why is the 'corruption fighter' poised to appoint Ministers standing trial for corruption? What more defense will those who defend the indefensible proffer? When some of us repented and apologised to Nigerians for the fraud we foisted over Nigeria in 2015, we were called names. When we warned in the build up to the 2019 General Elections that Buhari is a scam without a modicum of integrity, we were called haters and wailers, alas not even under the 'corrupt PDP' did we have such an uninspiring corrupt persons ridden and riddled Ministerial List like the NEXT LEVEL Ministerial nominees list of President Buhari. Hmm, Lord have mercy.
Knowing that the present rubber stamp National Assembly will give a nod to every name in the Ministerial list, like they did the Chief Justice of Nigeria CJN who showed lack of capacity when he manifestly confused 'legal technicalities' with 'technical know-how'. We truly pray for Nigeria, Lord please have mercy.
Evidently there is a deafening sound of silence in the land, as patriots across partisan tendencies agree that this NEXT LEVEL list is settlement for loyalists of the APC and Mr President. But wait a minute, why couldn't Mr President find men and women of integrity, does his 'integrity' attract only the corrupt? Just asking.
Apart from a few names, maybe three or four, the list is entirely a cross and a curse, it exposes the gross incompetence and lack of capacity of the present watchman, it defines his insincerity to the war against corruption, and spells integrity in the breach. But as sycophants see no wrong, and hail the wrong, Lord please have mercy.
Mr President, for the sake of peace, please be just and do our nation the 'favour' of honouring the Orders of Court by releasing Dasuki and El Zakzaky on bail, let them stand trial whilst on bail, at least if you cannot govern, do not cause our nation more trouble, come off the high horse please, we cannot afford another theatre of conflict ala the Boko Haram insurgency, the AK 47 wielding Marauding Herdsmen, Cattle Rustlers, Bandits, Kidnappers et al, as the present shift of the Shite Movement from peaceful protest to violent protest though reprehensible, is not unprovoked, and the present drift poses grave danger to the nation. Please remember how the Boko Haram insurgency started, Sir. Please if you cannot make Nigeria better, do not make it worse.
To those who have faith and see hope in the most uninspiring Ministerial list since 1999, may the Lord have mercy on you all. And to a Country in a kamikaze drift to the precipice, Lord have mercy.
We must however, rise to the urgency of now, and challenge everyone to truth, only truth can set our nation free.
Clearly Compatriots, with the present Ministerial List we have moved from CHANGE cum ONE-CHANCE TRAVEL, to the NEXT LEVEL of mediocrity and lethargy. May the Lord have mercy on Nigeria.
Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia Jnr. {CMN JNR}
Send your stories and gist to us at genesisnollywood.blogspot.com
Email: genesisnollywood@gmail.com.
WhatsApp: +2348035655009
Twitter@theophilusafe Instagram@genesisnollywood
Facebook www.Facebook.com/genesisnollywood