Every Pastor Who Collects Tithes Is A Thief.
By Femi Aribisala.
Mainstream Pastors all over the world believe that Jesus Christ is not knowledgeable enough to direct their activities. Again, they believe that by grace, they can say anything they want to say with the Bible. To these pastors, their ‘experience and opinion’ are the gospel of Christ.
After the resurrection of Christ, he commanded the disciples/apostles, to go into the world and make disciples of all nations and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, …… and that repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name (Matt 28: 19-20, Luke 24:47). Do you hear repentance gospel preach today? Who cares about repentance? Who does not want forgiveness of their sin? Would forgiveness be possible without repentance? Would grace lead to repentance? Read Isaiah 26:10. What is prosperity? Is man’s gospel today money? What is tithe?
As far as many pastors are concerned, the most important scripture of all is not to be found in the word of Jesus. Neither is it even in the New Testament. That scripture says: “‘Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me now in this,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.’” (Malachi 3:10).
This scripture is drummed about tithes repeatedly into Christians on Sundays
notwithstanding there is nowhere in the entire Bible that supports what these Christians do on Sunday or in any other day. However, the only time Jesus mentioned tithing in scripture, he pointed out that it was not a weighty matter of the law (Matthew 23:23). Hebrews says people only receive tithes “according to the law (Jewish law)” (Hebrews 7:5). It then insists tithing ( and everything else under the law -given to the biological Jews ) has been annulled: “The former regulation ( old blood covenant) is set aside because it was weak and useless” (for it pointed to the blood of Christ) (Hebrews 7:18-19). Nevertheless, mercenary pastors continue to insist on the payment of tithes even when the Apostles never mentioned this throughout their ministries and life time.
*Latter-day Pharisees*
Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for keeping part ( choice part) of the law instead of the whole law (of Moses and the law of God/ten commandments) . Read Matthew 23:23. That is what tithe-collecting pastors do today. If we insist our congregants must pay tithes, we must also insist that they keep the rest of the Jewish laws. James says: “Whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.” (James 2:10). In this text, James is referring to ten commandments, not including the Jewish laws. Therefore, if we insist on tithing which was given under old blood covenant/Jewish law, we should also refrain from eating pork. We should stone adulterers, execute homosexuals, kill Sabbath Day violators and restore blood-sacrifices
Tithe-collecting pastors counter this by maintaining the payment of tithes pre-dated the law given to the Jews. Note: The Jews received two sets of Covenants and two set of laws. The Ten Commandments and the animal blood covenant, the Civil right laws and the Health laws. Tithing is never part of the Ten Commandments. Without knowing these designations, economic pastors continue to justify their unscriptural action of extortion and exploitation, would keep citing Abraham as the cardinal example of someone who paid tithes before the promulgation of the Law of Moses, as did Jacob, his grandson. However, such arguments are disingenuous, dangerous and preposterous.
Before the law, tithing was at best an example but not a commandment. Moreover, many pastors fail to mention that Abraham only tithed once in his lifetime. When he did, he did not even tithe his own money: he tithed the spoils of war. He gave ten percent of the plunder he took to Melchisedec, king of Salem when he rescued Lot. But then he did not even keep the rest but returned it (all ninety percent) to the king of Sodom. Should Christians tithe according to Abraham or according to law? According to Abraham was never a command but according to law in Malachi 3:10 was and had been over.
For his part, Jacob also tithed only once. He did this in a “let’s make a deal” arrangement he offered to God: “Jacob made a vow, saying, ‘If God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, so that I come back to my father’s house in peace, then the LORD shall be my God. And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will surely give a tenth to you.’” (Genesis 28:20-22). This kind of deal about accepting God only under certain self-serving conditions should certainly not be a term of reference for any serious believer. Therefore, tithe paying according to law and Malachi 3:10 had been annulled by the Priesthood of Jesus Christ.
*Lies upon lies*.
The first lie pastors tell Christians is what some have referred to as “the eleventh commandment:” “Thou shalt pay thy tithes to thy local church.” But the bible says no such thing. Tithe is not a part of Ten commandments. The storehouse of Malachi was not a church. It was a place where food was kept.
Pastors hide from church-members the fact that money was not required / acceptable as tithe. The tithe was a tenth of the seed and fruit of the land and of the animals which ate of the land. (Leviticus 27:30-32). That is why God says: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be FOOD in my house.” (Malachi 3:10). He does not say “that there may be MONEY in my house.” The food was used to feed the Levites, the poor, widows, orphans and strangers.
Pastors also conveniently fail to teach the biblical tithe.The principles of tithing were not laid down by Malachi. They were laid down by Moses. The study of Moses’ guidelines quickly reveals that the biblical tithe has no application whatsoever to Christians and is mischievously violated by tithe-collecting pastors today.
According to the Law of Moses, the tithe was divided into three allocations. The first year, it was given to the Levite. The second year, it was given to widows, orphans and the poor. The third year, it was eaten in the company of the faithful before the Lord as thanksgiving for his faithfulness. (Deuteronomy 14:22-28). In the seventh year, there was no planting and no reaping and therefore no tithing.
So the next time your pastor asks you to pay tithe, ask him about the seventh-year reprieve. Also ask him if you can give your tithe to the orphanage, or bring it as food items to be eaten in church. Believe me; he will not agree with you because it is your money he is after.
*Inapplicability of tithes*
Tithing was only applicable to Jews and to the land of Israel and it operated from Wilderness after God chose the Levites through the day Christ died. Tithe is different from free- will and charity . Scripturally speaking, collection of tithes is not applicable after the cross and death/resurrection of Christ. Matthew 23:23 was before the Cross but Hebrews 7:11-14 was after the Cross. Please, stop encouraging your pastors to exploit and extort. You need to ask your pastor how come he is collecting tithes in Nigeria.
Servants or slaves who worked on the land did not tithe because the land did not belong to them. Since only agricultural and animal resources were included, a fisherman gave no tithe of his fisheries. Neither did a miner or a carpenter pay tithes, nor anyone from the various professional occupations. So if you are not a farmer or a keeper of livestock, tell your 419 pastor tithing is biblically inapplicable to you.
Moreover, the only people authorized to receive tithes were the Levites. (Hebrews 7:5). So if your Pastor is a “tithe-collector,” ask him if he happens to be a Jew. Remind him that, even though a Jew, Jesus could not receive the tithe because he was not from the tribe of Levi but from that of Judah. Christian pastors who are bent on tithe and tithe are on their own and at risk.
The trick, of course, is for pastors today to claim we are “Levites.” If your pastor is one such dissembler, ask him if he lives as a Levite. Remind him that Levites had no land and did not have private property. Ask him also how he knows he is from the tribe of Levi, which happens to be one of the lost tribes of Israel. Point out to him that even Jewish rabbis don’t claim to be Levites today because all Jewish genealogical records were lost with the destruction of the Temple in AD 70, ensuring that it is no longer possible to ascertain the true identity of true biological Jews, Levites inclusive.
Therefore, if Jews no longer pay tithe
because the Priesthood of Christ had set it aside according to Hebrews 7:11-14, how can Christian pastors collect tithes when we are under the operation and obligation of New blood covenant? If Jewish rabbis, whose terms of reference remain the Old Testament/and under laws of Moses no longer collect tithes, then pastors who insist Christians are under New Testament/under Jesus Christ have no business doing so. It is unlawful and criminal.
The conclusion then is inescapable. Every pastor who collects tithes is nothing but “a wolf, lawless, wicked, shameless , a thief and a robber.” (John 10:1). Through their greed and quest for tithes, we have known them . It is the quick test for Pastors who called themselves.
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