The truth really hurts, hey! That is the sad part of reality ,we would rather bury our heads in the sand and pretend all is well.The US President, Trump ,has called Africa a shithole and we are livid. Yes,we are supposed to defend our mother continent as our leaders always emphasize on our sovereignty, hard won lndependance, children of the soil! I could go on and on .
The people we should be pointing our fingers are not the Trumps but our African leaders save for a few individuals. The rest are a bunch of thugs masquerading as leaders who do not even know the meaning of good governance.
A good example is our deposed dictator,Robert Mugabe, for 37 years he ruled Zimbabwe with an iron fist.What did he do in all those years apart from destroying roads he found intact,healthy institutions he found with machinery and medicines,lndustries he found operating at maximum capacity?
After the protracted liberation war people from all walks of life had great hopes.All these were dashed by one individual and his henchmen, one of whom has assumed the echelons of power.
The fact that its told by a whiteman hurts some people but that is the brutal truth.
How do we explain the reason for more than 2 million people that have left Zimbabwe for neighbouring countries, Europe, Australia and North America? Zimbabweans are now dotted around the world because of destructive Zanu pf policies. lndustries are now just steel structures which need a miracle to start off again.
How do we explain about African migrants capsizing in the Mediterranean waters while trying to reach Europe? Tell me now about Africans being held like slaves in Libya? This all points to African leaders who cant take care of people they are supposed to provide simple basic things in life. They loot funds meant for development to buy massive apartments in foreign lands. They stash stolen loot in foreign banks while seeking medical treatment in far off countries and send their children to expensive schools.
They have destroyed all infrastructure such that there is nothing to talk about .Hospitals have broken down equipment and no medicines.
Trump is spot on we are a shithole. We have all the minerals but our leaders use these for self enrichment. Imagine US$15 billion of diamond revenue disappeared in Zimbabwe and no one is accountable! In Africa we glorify thieves instead of real business individuals. Strive Masiyiwa, Econet founder is not embraced in Zimbabwe while we see fat crooks boasting of buying sneakers in the US with ill gotten money.
The bagging hand of our leaders continues to grow in length so they dip their fingers into aid funds.
While I was hurt by Trump's remarks I had to accept the truth.
Recently the new Zimbabwe President gave chiefs twin cabs to navigate their rural terrain !Hospitals need equipment, ambulances and so on but to him staying in power is guaranteed by this "simple gesture". God have mercy .
Cry my beloved Africa.
By Albert Madya.
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