As "Jack of all trade, masters of all" I have proved the white man wrong. DJ KELVINATOR.

Being an athlete is a consuming career, and so is being a policeman. However, there have been numerous stories where these two careers meet successfully. However, one man seems to take it much further by being a very talented deejay too.

Police Inspector Aniemeka Odita Kelvin popularly known as DEEJAY KELVINATOR. * The Deejay * The Athlete * The Policeman Presently (in Nigeria), there exists a lot of negative perception about the police force but DJ KELVINATOR brings a refreshingly new story and humanity to the profession, while exhibiting numerous and dedication to his duty as a policeman.
Also, he brings joy to the faces of numerous young people with his classy musical mixes at clubs and entertainment areas.

DJ KELVINATOR has a successful and eventful career as an athlete, mixing his training with top home based athletes while also being involved competitively in 110 metres hurdles.

He has won a lot of laurels for the Lagos State command zone at the very popular police games, and he is an African International masters gold and silver medallist.

While as an athlete, he is proud to have trained with some of Nigeria’s top sportsmen, including Olympic Gold Medalist Enefiok Udo-Obong and some other notable champions.

As a DJ, Kelvinator performs with some of Nigeria’s best such that, DJ Jimmy Jatt, one of the Nigeria’s top DJ's honoured him with an appearance and a superlative performance in a show to celebrate DJ Kelvinators 20 years as an outstanding DEEJAY. And, he is the first Disc Jockey in Nigeria to celebrate Twenty (20) years anniversary on stage.

THEO: How do you cope with all these jobs?

DJ KELVINATOR: Hard work, making sure I give each of this careers a100%, and that's why I call myself Jack of all trade masters of all. 

THEO: Tell us about your profile while growing up? DJ

KELVINATOR: I grew up in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta state. I was born and brought up in ASABA. I attended Baptist High School, Benin city in EDO STATE and I am presently studying in one of the Universities. As a DJ, I has big flare for music since I was in secondary school and I developed interest in dancing and rapping back in the days of school social activities. After my secondary school life, I went into DISC JOCKEY because then Nigeria HIP HOP has not been recognised.

As an Undisputed DJ as you all know, I have been a DISC JOCKEY since 1993 and presently. I am also a member of the hottest coalition of Nigeria DJs all over the world, and also an executive member of DJ ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (DJAN). I am the first DJ to have celebrated twenty years anniversary on stage.

THEO: Wow, you have a wonderful growing up profile . Do you have woman beside all these great achievements?

DJ KELVINATOR: Not at all. It's just God over everything. 

THEO: So you mean you are not married or you don't have a lady beside you as one of the best DJ in the globe? DJ

KELVINATOR: Still single and searching for the right person. Music is my everything for now.

THEO: As a DJ and a popular one for that matter ladies won't be a problem to you if you are ready to pick any of them and marry her. What's your take on that?

DJ KELVINATOR: God will decide on that one as a matter of facts if God says it's time who are we but we shall keep on waiting for God direction

THEO: But we heard DJ'S are mostly seduced by ladies at the clubs. True?

DJ KELVINATOR: Definitely not true

THEO: What attributes makes a good DJ?

DJ KELVINATOR: Good Music and Mixes

THEO: So when do you have the time to attend to your duty as a policeman? DJ

KELVINATOR: I always have time. So nothing is disturbing me, it's all about dedication.

THEO: Some people said you are not a policeman because they have not seen you on police uniform. What do you have to say?

DJ KELVINATOR: That's the facts but if you have been following me online I guess you will see to that.

THEO: Online posts are like photoshop, don't you think is good to prove them wrong by putting your police uniform to some public places like the clubs you work as DJ?

DJ KELVINATOR: Not at all, that's not an official duty.

THEO: So how often do you train and visit the gym as a sportsman too?

DJ KELVINATOR: Three times weekly.

THEO: What are the things you like?

DJ KELVINATOR: Motivational books, films and music

THEO: What about the things you hate?

DJ KELVINATOR: Lies and gossip.

THEO: Talking about books, we heard you wrote a book. What's the title and what led you to write the book?

DJ KELVINATOR: #Jack Of All Trade Masters Of All #Motivational Book. What motivated me to such.... because I am a man with three different career and also to prove to the white man who said that "Jack of all trade masters of none" is a wrong statement. Yes, I have proved the white man wrong that "I am Jack of all trade, masters of all" And I give these careers a 100%

THEO: Wow! That's interesting. Is the book on sale now?

DJ KELVINATOR: Not yet till after the lunching

THEO: When is the lunching coming up?

DJ KELVINATOR: Later in this year

THEO: That's good to know. As a celebrated DJ, name 3 Nigerian super star musicians you have met one on one?

DJ KELVINATOR: Kcee, 2face and 9ice

THEO: Have you work with any of them?

DJ KELVINATOR: Not yet apart from mix tapes but I have worked in an event with 9ice.

THEO: Which of them do you prefer as the best musician?

DJ KELVINATOR: 2Face I know him well back then in Enugu and I have invited him back then in 1996 for a beach Carnival at Asaba before he joined Plantation Boys.

THEO: Do you have your own song as a DJ?

DJ KELVINATOR: I have four mixtape with some Artist

THEO: Is mixtape same thing as single or album?

DJ KELVINATOR: Singles and that make up an album

THEO: Have you done musical videos for any of them?


THEO: How can you rate music produced in Nigeria?

DJ KELVINATOR: 50% compare to the western world

THEO: Which 3 other Nigerian DJs that can fit into your style?

DJ KELVINATOR: Nobody because I am a triple career DJ. I have my style and they have theirs too

THEO: As a policeman, can you say the Nigerian police are truly combating crimes mostly in Lagos State?

DJ KELVINATOR: We are trying our best. It is not easy. The police are human and you can't satisfy everybody especially Nigerians, and mind you, nothing in this country is working perfectly. 

THEO: Are you saying the government is not funding the police departments and paying salaries?

DJ KELVINATOR: Definitely salaries are paid at when due but the budget is not enough, even the IGP have said it all.

THEO: What can you say about policemen that takes bribe from commercial vehicles on lagos streets?

DJ KELVINATOR: I don't think about that, I only do my job to the best of my ability.

THEO: Ok, how can you compare sports salaries to that of the police in Nigeria?

DJ KELVINATOR: Sport and police are the same level and grade. Both of them are federal salaries. The only difference about sport is that during competition at least u get some allowance and after completion awards are be given to Medalist and promotions too to the arm forces for flying the national flag

THEO: What national medals have you won recently and at where?

DJ KELVINATOR: As for National medals, you can't count them but recently I represented Nigeria at last year African masters championship in Cameroon. I got 1 gold and 2 silver.

THEO: What's the experience like?

DJ KELVINATOR: Wow! The experience is awesome especially when your country flag is been lifted up and your national anthem been played, tears of joy flows out knowing that 140 million Nigerians are proud of you and your family too

THEO: That's wonderful! Congratulations. Is the Nigerian Government funding sports well enough?

DJ KELVINATOR: I can Speak for myself and for the Nigerian police sports they are trying for us encouraging the sports men

THEO: That's good know. What are your best colours?

DJ KELVINATOR: Black and white

THEO: Your best foods?

DJ KELVINATOR: Eba and Egusi soup

THEO: Wow! You make me feel hungry! Lol. What about your best cars?

DJ KELVINATOR: I love German cars mostly Mercedes Benz 

THEO: Hmm. Nice one. If you are ask to choose only one of the three careers, which will you pick?

DJ KELVINATOR: Tight question. The three are same formation and very vital to my life. The three careers goes together. Working with federal, sporting and the music. Music is life and life is when you keep fit to discharge your daily work.

THEO: What's your advise to young ones coming up as DJ, policeman as well as sportsman?

DJ KELVINATOR: They should do their best in every aspect if life give it a 100% at all times

THEO: What's sets of music that keep you going while doing your mix at the clubs?

DJ KELVINATOR: Dancehall music of the 90s. With some few rap songs of the 90s like 2pac and notorious BIG

THEO: Wow! Do you have a main club you do your mix? 

DJ KELVINATOR: Definitely yes Memento lounge int'l in Surulere Lagos

THEO: What days can we find you there doing your mix?

DJ KELVINATOR: Three times a week Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

THEO: Will you share your contact like Facebook, phone number, twitter and instagram etc online for your fans and clients to reach out to you?

DJ KELVINATOR: My Facebook/ it's Kelvinator, twitter/ Mr Kelvinator, and Instagram/ kelvinator_african_champion. Email/

THEO: It's really nice and wonderful speaking with you. I pray we meet again and talk about more higher success of your 3 in 1 careers.

DJ KELVINATOR: By the grace of God almighty. It's God above everything, thank you.

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