The Penis Is The Greatest Gift Ever. World Penis Day.
This is Funny but Educative. A true friend is like a Penis, he stands up for you in times of needs. *Do u know that the Penis is d greatest breakfast ever? According to doctors it has a mushroom head, a sausage body, two eggs and milk which provides nutrients. Thus making ladies healthy and full for 9 months*. *Besides it has 3 good manners too* 1) *Its very courteous, it stands before it performs* 2) *It is very emotional, it weeps during performance* 3) *It is polite, it bows after performing.*. *Send to ladies 2 laugh and to men 2 make them happy and proud of themselves!. ⭕1) Kamasutra says : If you suck one nipple, the woman herself offers the other one. And that was the origin of "buy one get one free!"* ⭕2) *Did you ever notice: everything on a woman's upper body starts with a "B". Blouse, Bra, Bikini, Boobs & lower body with a "P" Peticoat, panties, pussy... That's origin of BP!* ⭕...