Papa G Crew Of SISTERS VISA Storms Chevyview Estate Lekki For Production Meeting.

It was a colourful gathering of Papa G first crew production meeting at Royal stop over hotel 45 Udeco Medical Road Chevyview Estate by Chevron Drive Lekki, Lagos State, Nigeria for the upcoming movie titled SISTERS VISA.
The time schedule for the meeting was 10:00am on Thursday 7th April 2022. The environment was peaceful with no music playing in the background while the crew sat by the swimming pool at about 10 55am.
The agenda of the meeting are; 1. Arrivals 2. Opening prayer 3. Introduction 4. Script and story line 5. Characters and casts 6. Locations 7. Equipments 8. Props 9. Camping 10. Discipline 11. Reactions 12. Refreshments 13. Closing prayer The opening prayer was led by Obi Dennis Tochukwu.
He pray about the success of the meeting and the movie while others concluded with the amen. Festus Tema Eluromma the producer presided over the meeting.
FirstlyFirstly he welcome everyone for coming and secondly he asked everyone to make a proper introduction.
The crew Introduces themselves starting with himself Festus Tema Eluromma AKA Man Of God (Producer)
Uche Paul Nwoko (Director Of Photograhy)
Theophilus Afe (Assistant Director/Production Designer)
Richard Omos Iboyi (Director)
Obi Dennis Tochukwu (Production Manager)
Mukadam Toheeb (Gaffer)
Taiwo Omoniyi (Art Director)
Uwagboe Kelvin Amowie (Production Assistant/Secretary)
Festus Tema Eluromma quickly ask the director to give his views on the script. Richard Omos Iboyi said "the script is wonderfully screenplay" and he appreciated the skill used by Theophilus Afe.
He picked out some vulgar languages used on the script. "This is not the days of selling movies at Idumota, Alaba and Pound Road but a digital era where movies are even watched by kids alongside their parents" "I will adjust those vulgar words used on the script as soon as possible" Theophilus Afe replied the director.
Theophilus Afe then thank everyone present for enjoying the script of SISTERS VISA. "I am so happy because everyone who read the script, love it" This was after Festus Tema Eluromma asked all others to speak on the script.
On the issue of Characters and Cast, lots of emphasis were expressed by Obi Dennis Tochukwu, Theophilus Afe and Festus Tema Eluromma. "The character of each roles in the movie matters a lot. We should not joke with them. This is not the time to look at someone face and body and say, you are acting this part or that part. Giving out the role must be on merit" Festus Tema Eluromma said.
"Although the cast of SISTERS VISA were picked from the cast list of The Stolen Necklace of 1856 which was suspended" Festus Tema Eluromma added.
"I am particularly interested in the Monica, Emeka and Olu characters. These are the backbone of SISTERS VISA. These characters must not be compromise" Theophilus Afe said. Everyone agreed that a location manager must be hired because of the airport scene that opens up the beautiful script of the movie.
"Playing down on the airport scene, the movie will lose quality" Richard Omos Iboyi said. "The beginning of SISTERS VISA matters a lot. Once the beginning is interesting to the viewers, they will sit back and watch the full movie" Theophilus Afe added. Festus Tema Eluromma asked the director of photography to speak on the equipment to be used. "It depends on the budget for the movie" Uche Paul Nwoko said. "I recommend tracks, jibbs, drone and Black Magic 6k pro or 12k. Although I will list all I needed to the producer including lights and sounds within the week" he added.
Taiwo Omoniyi expressed his readiness for the props especially special props. Much was talked about discipline and attitude towards working time. The producer of SISTERS VISA, Festus Tema Eluromma told all present that "the next meeting will be with the executive producer Papa G when he arrives Nigeria before the shooting date. The shooting date is 10th May 2022" The closing prayer was led by Festus Tema Eluromma. "May God Almighty bless this movie production owned by Papa G" He went on with the prayer for about 3 minutes and there was a big Amen at the end by all. Send your stories and gist to us at
 @theophilusafe Instagram@genesisnollywood


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