By Bola Adewara.
In these few years I have spent on this *terrestrial* divide, I have seen *how* life *treats* men, especially in their *old* *ages* .
I have seen *men* *work* , *labour* , *sweat* throughout their *youthful* lives on their *wives* and *children* and I have also *seen* how they *end* *up* . My *brother* , as you are working *hard* to *train* your *children* and to make your *wife* proud, don't *forget* to have *something* for *yourself* for your old age. May you not be *begging* your *children* to *eat* in your *old* age.
Remember, *women* can be *jumping* from one *son's* house to another *daughter's* house. Not so for *men* .
Can I *tell* you a *truth* ? You are a *stranger* in that *family* you call *yours* today. That house you *struggled* to *build* is not *yours* . Its for your *wife* and the *children* ! Seriously!
A *friend* sent me a *story* recently. Let me *quote* him here: "My *grandfather* told me that a *married* *man* is like a *tractor* that *builds* a *road* , does it very *nicely* but when the *road* is *completed* , they bring a *pay* *loader* and carry the *tractor* away, *claiming* it will *spoil* the *road* ! That *tractor* is never *allowed* to *step* on the *road* it *built* !
" *Same* is the *case* of we *married* *men* . We *deny* ourselves, get *loans* , *wear* used *clothes* , etc, to *see* our *children* through high *schools* , *universities* , etc because we *believe* that the only *gift* we can *give* them is *quality* *education* . When they are *old* *enough* , the *fathers* often become *dispensable* . The *attention* of the *children* *shift* to their *mothers* . *May* *be* these mothers *poison* their *minds* *against* their *fathers* , who *knows* ? You *hear* a *typical* *mother* use *languages* like ...
"If it *wasn't* for me, you *wouldn't* have *gone* to *school* .
"I *sold* all my *gold* , *trinkets* , *wrappers* to *send* you to *school* .
"Your *father* was only *interested* in *alcohol* and *women* while I *suffered* to pay your *fees* !"
(Now the *tractor* that *built* the *road* is being *carried* away!)
" *Once* the *child* starts *working* , *father* could have *retired* . When *he* come *visiting* his *parents* , the poor *father* is *given* *N5k* in front of the *mother* , while the *mother* *pulls* him to the *kitchen* to collect *50* *times* what father *got* ... and the *father* doesn't *know* what mother *got* !
" *Once* the child *drives* off, the father is *told* to bring *money* from his *pittance* to *buy* *this* and *that* , buy *sugar* to prepare *Lipton* unless he wants to *drink* *sugarless* *tea* ! These are some of the *reasons* men *die* early!
"A mother *flies* *abroad* to *visit* her *children* or go do *Omugor* while the father *sits* at *home* , *buying* and *eating* bread and *ewa* *agonyin* every *morning* ! *Six* months, the *mother* is *abroad* doing *Omugor* . She *comes* back home *fresh* to meet father *licking* palm *oil* in *ewa* *agonyin* !"
I *warn* you, my *brother* . Nature *does* not *smile* on *old* men *who* did not *cater* for their *old* ages when they were *young* .
*Build* your own *house* where you will *live* in your *old* *age* .
*Build* businesses that will *feed* you in *your* *old* *age* .
*Create* *conveniences* that will *engage* you in your *old* *age* .
*Build* *friendship* and *goodwill* that will *serve* you in your *old* *age* .
*Right* *now* , *start* to be *relevant* in your *mosque* or *Church* and *community* so you could be *reckoned* with in your old age.
* *Old* age could be very *lonely* and *agonising* for *men* who did not *plan* for it.
* *May* you not *become* a *liability* on your *children* in your *old* *age* .
* *May* your *children* not *wish* you an *early* *death* when they *can't* *manage* you again in your *old* *age* .
An *old* *age* without *penny* in your *pocket* is a slow, *agonising* *death* *sentence* !
Be *warned* now...!
There are *three* categories of *people* you cannot do *without* as we are *growing* *older* , your *family* , *people* in your place of *worship* and *childhood* *friends* , who include your *Old* *School* *mates* .
*Friends* , *take* it or leave it, at *60* and *above* , *loneliness* kills because the *children* you are *working* *hard* for now will *go* their *ways* to *raise* their *own* immediate *families* and *pursue* their own *destinies* , *just* as *we* did *now* . At that time it's *these* *people* in these *3* - *categories* that *take* away *loneliness* and *keep* your *company* .
Pls, out of your *busy* *schedule* , *set* time out to *say* *HI* ! to your *real* - *old* - *age* - *cure* - *against* - *loneliness* . In the 3- *categories* , the only *one* that *knows* you *better* and can *relate* with you *down* to *heart* are your *childhood* *friends* .
So *why* are you *feeling* too *big* or *inferior* to come *along* ? It's not *possible* we'll all be at the *same* *level* . *Some* will be *very* *rich* , *moderate* and some *poor* - that is the *beauty* and *misery* of life. *Some* will be so *educated* , while *some* will *still* be *Secondary* *school* *certificate* *holders* .
*If* you are *up* , *bring* others that are *willing* *up* , and *if* you are *down* , never *bring* those that are *up* *down* with your *mouth* or *attitude* .
At close to *50* years and *above* , you have *10* to *15* years of *active* *working* life.
*Stop* saying *I* *am* this, I *am* *that* . *Flow* into other *people's* *lives* and *let* then *flow* into *yours* .
*Respect* *friendship* and *value* *relationship* .
Let us *pass* this to all *friends* on our *contacts* , *Rich* or *Poor* .
*You* *can't* *exhibit* *pride* . *Live* *simple*
Follow Bola Adewara @bolaadewara.
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Mellamby Ileogben Celebrate Birthday at Memento Reloaded Lounge Five days After April Fool's Day.
Mellamby Ileogben is a Nigerian TV Producer and Director cum Club Owner. In case you don't know, Mellamby Ileogben is the Owner of Memento Reloaded Lounge, Club Tornado, Green House Hotel and Orbit TV Production. Mellamby Ileogben, on Saturday clocked a new age and several celebrities including TV personalities , Movie Producers, Directors, Nollywood Actors and Actresses and Great Comedians including MC Makati have graced the birthday party to celebrate the acclaimed ‘The Newest Birthday Man; Mellamby Ileogben." Though Mellamby Ileogben has done the birthday party at Club Tornado on Tuesday 2nd April, He said his birthday party is not complete without celebrating it at the all powerful Memento Reloaded Lounge in Surulere, Lagos ie the number one Lounge/Club in Lagos. The father of lovely children and husband to the best wife you can think of also shared birthday wishes to his clients, fans, friends and family members. ...