The eight-year-old son of Gambian President-elect, Adama Barrow has died after being bitten by a dog.
Reports said the boy died on the way to the hospital on Sunday in Manjai near the Gambian capital, Banjul.
However, Barrow who is currently on what looks like exile, having gone to neighbouring Senegal to stay until his inauguration on Thursday missed his son’s funeral as he was advised to remain in Senegal for his safety by ECOWAS body.
Mr Barrow has two wives and four other children, according to reports.
Gambia Opposition candidate, Adama Barrow according to a journalist with the UK Guardian newspaper, President- Elect of The Gambia Adama Barrow, who is in Senegal, is about to hold a press conference.
Barrow is in Dakar so could not attend the funeral of his 8yo son today, who died after dog attack. Hard to imagine how he must be feeling
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