AMC release her first TV series titled "Asunder." The upcoming series is an analytical drama series that focuses on the marital lives of different families and how they all paddle through their marital woes. Using three families in its narrative, the series dissects the roots and causes of various issues and challenges faced by today’s married couples. The audience is taken through the emotional roller coaster of modern day marriages and an insight into the importance of trust, communication and forgiveness in these marriages. Produced by award winning filmmaker Paul Igwe and Directed by Henry Ejeta, "Asunder" features Stan Nze, Tessy Oragwa, Benita Nzeribe, Nonso Odogwu, Frankincense Eche Ben, and Sandra Eze among others. The drama series was premiere at Wheatbaker Hotel, Ikoyi, Lagos on December 10, 2016, and it debut exclusively on AMC Series this January 2017. By Chidumga Izuzu of the Pulse Newsletter. Other jobs Directed by Henry Ejeta. A group of corrupt politicians led by Justus Esiri (Senator Raymond) are about to share the late Nigerian Dictator’s loot. The EFCC led by Bob Manuel Udoku, sends an undercover agent. Something goes wrong as Kevin Books Ikeduba (Richard Benson) becomes the most wanted man ON THE TROT for the murder of his family. As the politicians fight to cover their dirty deals, Justus Esiri’s (Senator Raymond) daughter; Mercy Johnson becomes a victim. Corruption fights dirty. Produced by Julius Ejeta and Directed by Henry Ejeta Nigerian divers took the risk to dive 27 meters in dark turbulent waters to save an anchor under the Atlantic Ocean. ANCHOR RESCUE is the full video of ANCHOR WALKER and it is horrific. Producer: I. J. Underwater, Editor: Theophilus Afe, Director: Henry Ejeta DANCING UNDER THE SEA BED is the risk Nigerian divers took to dive 27 meters in dark turbulent waters to clear barnacles away from a ship and they danced the music of Anita Joseph titled Give Me Something Featuring Flavour after a successful work. Producer: I. J. Underwater, Editor: Theophilus Afe, Director: Henry Ejeta Please re-broadcast to all your friends and love ones as you watch all our movies, music, comedies and TV Soap Operas on Genesis Nollywood TV at Also click subscribe on your phone or laptop to get movie, music, comedy and TV updates, like all the videos and follow me on Instagram@genesisnollywood,, twitter@theophilusafe, Imo/WhatsApp/WeChat:08035655009 blog:
