Theophilus Afe Hail Women On International Women's Day 2022.
Genesis Nollywood and Genesis Nollywood TV owner Theophilus Afe quotes "International Women’s Day on March 8 is the day to salute the half of humanity that has had to earn their place in the sun. Happy Women's Day"
Women make up half the human race but they often are the silent cheerleaders, leaders, and contributors to society.
International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate womanhood that was based on years of struggle for equal rights, especially the right to vote in several countries in Europe.
While we should be celebrating all the joys, sorrows and experiences of womanhood throughout the year, we can take the time to make March 8 as one day where we pay special attention to the women in our life, whether they be sisters, mothers, daughters, friends and more, they are all cherished.
Here are some wishes and images to share on this occasion:
Only a woman can almost die and give birth at the same time. Be proud to be a woman. Happy Women’s Day!
Every home, every heart, every feeling, every moment of happiness is incomplete without you, only you can complete this world. Happy Women's Day!
To all the incredible women in the world, shine on, not just today but every single day. Happy Women's Day.
Being a woman itself is a superpower. Happy Women's Day to the superhero in my life!
I am sending my wishes to a woman who is strong, beautiful and unique in her way. Thank you for coming into my life. I wish you a Happy Women’s Day.
We are cute daughters, we are sweet sisters, we are lovely lovers, we are darling wives, we are adorable mothers, we are a source of strength, we are women, Happy International Women's Day!
Well-behaved women seldom make history! Here's wishing a Happy Women's Day to all those who break the glass ceiling and pave the way for a better future.
It's you who are making the difference in so many lives and I am one of them, Happy Women's Day.
What some power women from the past had to say:
“The history of men’s opposition to women’s emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself.” Virginia Woolf
"One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." Simone de Beauvoir
“Although only breath, words which I command are immortal.” Sappho
“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” Charlotte Bronte
"If the feminine issue is so absurd, is because the male's arrogance made it a discussion." Simone de Beauvoir
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