CAN Must Make RADICAL Change In Nigeria Through Our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Forward: CAN are a confused organization who don't know anything. I call them Noise makers. Imagine CAN telling us that Muslim want to islamize Nigeria just because they are giving free interest loan, free education. Why we the Christian can't afford their schools. Pls help me tell CAN to Christianize Nigeria by opening interest free bank, free education, reduction of their university fee to $100 or its equivalent per semester, Tell CAN to start free distribution of Bible all over Nigerian cities and villages, Tell CAN to abolish paying money before seen G.O, Tell CAN to form and register a political party as it is done In Germany. Ask CAN where are they when Muslim started conducting white wedding, Ask CAN are they sleeping When Muslim started conducting Night vigils every Friday more than 10yrs ago, opened up camp ground for their crusade. Ask CAN where are they when their sons and daughters in various offices are being used to bring anti Christian policy, was it not a christian who was used to sack all G. Os recently, was it not Christian who cheer the merger of CRK/civil education?. Please tell CAN to Christianize Nigeria!! Tell them to give Nigerians a better LIFE. Tell CAN four of their Pentecostal churches alone can establish MEGA BANK, No, they won't do that, their priorities are Competition of Jet acquisition , mega Cathedral, palatial domain. Ask CAN what is preventing them from establishing industries, Farm to Christianize West Africa. Tell CAN to start Formulating a new strategy to Christianize Africa. Tell CAN to stop talking and doing the same things the OLD way. Enough of Traditions, we need a RADICAL Change. Blessed be the LORD JESUS CHRIST. May His suffering on the Cross Never be in vain over Nigeria Christian. Please Post this until it get to CAN, PFN and other Christian Leaders in Our Land... God Bless you Too For Supporting The Truth. Send stories and gist to WhatsApp: +23408035655009


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