Anti-Corruption Engages New Gear

FEW of us doubted that corruption will tilt the fight against it. A simple promise that President Muhammadu Buhari simply made that he would publish the names of those who looted Nigeria’s treasure and what they stolen would not be kept. The President has just discovered that his Minister for Information, the famous Alhaji Lai Mohammed would be the one to reveal the looters and their loot. We should not forget that the President mentioned that the recovered loot would be part of the resources for funding the budget. Only a CHANGE government, trusting its abilities, as this one would, would not know how challenging it is to recover looted funds. Alhaji Mohammed said today that he would unveil a list, but that there would be no names because there are litigations on the cases. He is not sure when this would be. We would therefore only have a list of sums of money (and where they are, according to Mohammed, meaning that they might not have been recovered). What does one make of a list that has no names attached to it? Is it possible that when the President made his promise he never knew about rule of law, as we have been told as the reason for ‘no names’? Without names, how does the President intend to account for the recovered(?) funds, or we have to look at figures and imagine who looted them? The new gear the anti-corruption war is engaging is dangerous, it is a perfect window for corruption since we are left to imagine what the figures stand for and who returned them.


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