The Two World Economies
There are basically two economies in the world and every nation on the face of the earth fall under either of them. These are: * The Knowledge Economy * The Religion Economy The rich and prosperous nations of the world belong to the Knowledge Economy while the poorest and poverty stricken nations of the world belong to the Religion Economy. The Knowledge Economy is one that engages the brain, asks relevant questions, and proffer solutions to problems. The Religion Economy is one that blackmails God and dumps every responsibilities on Him. The Knowledge Economy tasks the brain, the Religion Economy numbs the brain. Japan, for example, is a Knowledge Economy. It has no natural resources but it is a prosperous nation, one of the richest on the planet. At least six of every ten cars on Nigeria's roads today are Japanese cars. Japan is not a religious country, but it is one of the most corruption-free nations. China is not a relig...