How Much do we really know about the President of America.. ? It's a pity that medias never reveal these.. Only FAKE NEWS from CNN BBC CNBC are all that we heard. Written by an African pastor: --------------------------------------- Please disregard the castigation of characters and go with FACTS & TRUTH *FACTS ABOUT DONALD TRUMP* 1. Donald Trump self-sponsored himself throughout the campaign and election... the very first politician to have done that in the history of USA politics. 2. In other words... there are no SPECIAL INTEREST...GROUPS OR CULT that co-sponsored his election 3. Almost every Presidential candidate before his foray into the Presidential position solicited for his funds which he generously gave. 4. In his adolescence, he showed aggression to ladies due to wealth and immaturity. 5. Nonetheless ...the 45th President of the USA, Donald Trump is a complete "teetotaller"; he's a disciplinarian as none of his children drinks,...